Have you ever wanted to take advantage of the bountiful harvest available in the fall? Or are you looking for ways to “do more, less often” when it comes to common components of menu items that may be made in larger batches and frozen? Or are you looking to spend down your DOD Fresh allotment to ensure a single penny doesn’t go to waste? If you answered yes to any of these, then this resources is something to check out.

Food Processing is a great way to take advantage of the harvest season and create efficiencies in your kitchen. While this can be done as a “spur of the moment” decision, a best practice is to have a plan in place and ensure your team is aware of that plan. Food safety is critical when processing large batches of food as you will have to properly cool and package items. This is a project that can easily take a full day, however, when well-executed it will save you time in the long run.

Use this resource to spur ideas for what your meal program could process and the types of details you should consider before your processing day happens. And then try it out and see how it goes for your operation!